Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Brief Intro

Do you want to hear a story?
It's about a young girl.
It's about a young woman.
It's about a young lady, who
was born in the South.
Deep South.
Now bag back a bit.
Yes, just there.
In Alabama.

She has dark skin.
She has tough skin.
She learns with her eyes, and doesn't always listen.
She was born in the late 80s.
She is "hear" with you, in this poem.
With these words she'll tell you the story of her life.
A story that has barely begun but has a HAPPY ENDING.

She's from Mobile.
She's from Prichard.
She's from Eightmile.
She's from America.
She was born free and didn't know it.

Her education was
parents, televeision, school, friends, teachers, cousins, aunts, and distant-distant folk.
-and nearby-distant folk.

Have you heard of her?
Franchesca lived.
Franchesca lives.
Franchesca Taylor.
Franchesca ReNita Taylor.
Hold her warmly in your thought.

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