Attn Reader: I am starting a new journey and using this space to document it. 

I want to date intentionally. This concept is new for me, but the task of creating a journey to accomplish something I want in life is not. Each year I make promises to myself to pick up new healthy habits and change old unhealthy ones. This year is no different, - except that I'm documenting it; which is admittedly needed for accountability and consistency on my part. 

So, now every 2 weeks I'll check in with myself here. Log my thoughts and watch myself grow. If nothing else, I want to be honest, consistent and kind to myself in this process.

In order to make the process of dating fun for me (historically it hasn't always been), I'll score myself and my dates every 2 weeks. Potential romantic partners will get scored on their level of interest, consistency and other values I hold. I will gain scores on how I'm showing up, my consistency, and working through past experiences.

I will continue this journey for the rest of the year, or until I'm in a healthy adult relationship.

More soon come...

Love, Easy Conversation

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