Sunday, July 22, 2012

mis-education of fran

i see him
him white boy
him sits in back of class -an gets to say
everything thats on his mind
offends my kind
and whether he is doin this on purpose
I don't know
but minds/(mines) won't grow
if I dont understand what he is thinkin

raise my hand
and say my peace,
all of them are looking when I speak
i think i'm meek
then instantly they know it too
spells to undo
overcompensate by yelling
then suddenly I am telling them the truth

so much to say but rarely speak my heart

Reflections of Self in Music

I heard this song on my way to class. Initially the sound of Nat King Cole's voice soothed me, but the words had a contradictory effect. He was killing me softly. Have I become Mona Lisa? In the song he speaks of a cold woman with a charming smile. The only difference between me and this Mona character is that I don't smile that often. I tend to over-exaggerate though, and I'm very hard on myself, but to a certain extent that's how we all are right? Anyway, the point of this post to express the power of music. I love how on an ordinary day I can turn on Pandora and the music gods bestow me with a bevy of tunes that make me think, or cry, or even smile suspiciously like Mona Lisa. The feeling reminds me of  Musiq Soulchild Concert I attented a few years back where he led the crowd in singing a song comprised of a few simple lyrics, "I love music, any kind of music". Well said Musiq Soulchild, I concur.

I must warn anyone who dares to read the jumble of thoughts that I produce: The following post will likely change subject several times before I reach my final point. Now that that's done,...I listened to Hard Hearted Hannah by Ella Fitzgerald for the first time a few months ago and didn't think much of it except, for the final line, "oo wee she's sweet as sour milk". Again, I thought that hard-hearted Hannah described me.

The feelings I've had were recently confirmed when one of my best friends told me that I make it hard to get to know me. I solicited her opinion but still found myself shocked at what I already knew to be true. I walk around with a 20ft wall around me. and in total contradiction of myself I emote endlessly.

Where's the reconciliation? Well, I guess I have to find another song for that. :)

Ingredients of Love

I've been spending the past few days in self discovery mode, attempting to create a list of 'bare minimums'. I've gone from not being able to write anything to creating a semi-exhaustive list of feelings I want to be free to express and attributes I'd like him to posses. Truth is, I think I spend too much time on the subject matter of love. Part of me feels like it goes against everything I stand for as a realist; another part of me thinks that love is the biggest quest in life and deserves the inklings of want that I devote to it.

I'm a recovering undercover over-lover. I adore men. Strong black men, esp. Possibly to a fault. I've created a catalog in my head of wondrous traits of men I've known and one day I'll met my composite sketch who, "adores me" and "is comfortable with my adoration of him", according to this list I've created. But all of this may be a little too idealistic unfortunately (which means I'm lying to myself when I say I'm a realist).

Bare minimums (things I cannot, will not live without):
-He must be able to take care of his own responsibilities.
-Passionate about something (or a few things).
-He must believe in the value of education (formal, trade, or other).
-Family oriented.
-Wants children, preferably with one woman.
-Believes in something bigger than himself, i.e. God.
-Challenges himself professionally, personally, spiritually.
-Not an asshole.
-Doesn't take himself too seriously.
-Loves to travel.
-He's a friend and teammate.
-Adores me.
-Comfortable with my adoration of him.

I realize that some of what I've written will prove itself overtime. But this is a quick notation of where I am. Years from now, thanks to the power of technology, I'll look back on this list and note the changes but for now this makes for a great opener on a first date.

So what are you passionate about? Me, figuring out the ingredients of love (well, it's a side hobby anyway). :)

Angie Stone & Musiq Soulchild:

-Everything reminds me of a song.