Monday, August 8, 2011

Why do we believe in God?

I posted a sign written in pink highlighter that asked, "Why do we believe in God?". The brainstorm of an answer to this question came to me about a week ago while I was calling on Him. At the time I was in need, a deep sincere need that could only be understood from a view outside of myself. So I called God's name and instantly felt peace. To me that peace came from knowing that I wasn't alone, and that I could look both inside and outside of my situation for solutions...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Religious Experience(s) - Beliefs

I spoke to God recently while standing at the top of a mountain so high up I thought I could taste a cloud.

What's important to know is that for the last 3 years I've been on a spiritual journey. Once I became a god-mother I realized that I was to be in charge of assisting in my god-daughter's spiritual development, I task that I want to pursue under thoughtful consideration. So, I deprogrammed everything I had been taught about religion, faith, and saviors; and decided to create my own set of beliefs to follow.

These are my conclusions/beliefs:
  • There is a God. A supreme being whose image and spirit has been duplicated millions of times in each of us. Because of this belief I also conclude that we all are alike in some way, but being human we are at times more prone to see our differences.
  • The holy trinity exists in all of us. We are God the father, the son, and the spirit. To me this means that God is the ruler of our minds, the holy spirit rules our hearts, and the son is our flesh.
  • The story of Jesus as Christ is more of an allegory of what happens to us in life as we pursue our life's work. Jesus's life work was represented as the salvation of humanity and even though he knew his fate he realized that his life's work was more important than life itself. --I'm sure several of my friends are shaking their heads in disagreement by this statement, which is okay. I'm not trying to convince anyone of my beliefs, I'm just sharing.
This is just the beginning of the discussion on religion and beliefs. I had to share a little of where I'm coming from so that you understand my subsequent points...Peace.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Self Prime
can multiplied by many
and divided by none
"understanding knowledge" in supreme mathematics
atomic number of gallium
-a metal
that melts
in your hand

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Black v. African American?

I am not a color, I'm a person. But when asked by my Chinese roommate what I'd prefer to be called I told her "Black". I added that being referred to as African-American in this country has a different implication that yesteryear. Today it can be used to describe those who were born in Africa or whose parents were born in Africa then chose to move to America. This is not my or my parents experience, so I choose Black. Nevermind the fact that the title of Black Americans has changed so significantly over that last 50 years that my mom, sister, and I, although all the same race, are described as Colored, Black, and African-American on our birth certificates, respectively.

Maybe my response to my inquisitive roommate was abrupt. Sometimes the simplest questions about race and identity can spawn a heated debate and to save her from that, and to save myself from over-explaining I offered to her a comparison. I asked if she'd rather be called a Chinese American or just Chinese. Although her Chinese identity in America and my Black identity are different issues because of our varying histories, the heart of the answer in my opinion goes back to personal preference.

I choose Black because James Brown said "Say it loud, I'm Black and I'm proud" and because Huey P. Newton was a member of the "Black Panther Party", not the African American one. Also attempts to call Black people African American usually come off very awkward, like whoever is saying it is overly politically correct. People who feel the need to be that right scare if they're not really saying the words that are in their heads.

I'm bringing this up to my Black/African-American/People of African descent blog followers and friends, What do you call yourself?...please post your response.

What I Remember of Rome

In Rome they said,
and read,
and beat it in my head
the art, the history, and the structure.
But after reading the Stolen Legacy
I wanted to ask, "didn't they steal this from a brotha?"

Sunday, June 5, 2011


What I hate most about feelings is my inability to control them. I was talking today via FB to my friend who advised me that she saw a guy I was previously interested in. Except I’m still interested in him and I’m not sure why. I’m currently traveling abroad and feeling particularly lonely on most days. I reached out to him a few days after arriving, knowing that he was already aware of my apprehension in traveling. I got no response. But what’s more is that when I was in the US I’m afraid that what I saw in him might have been all in my head. Things were complicated, and admittedly I had my part to play in it all. I could have been a bit more forthcoming with my feelings but so much of it was new for me that I didn’t know if the sparks were because of him or because of the excitement of new attention that Lady Fate finally decided to bestow me with.

In any regard the conversation with my friend made me less sure of where I stood with him. Prior to her bringing him up I had fancied someone else (in my head, no actions had been taken -yet). But now I feel that maybe I should tie lose ends…

…What makes feelings even more complicated is the lack of definition. If we had any definition at all it would be that of friends, so if a friend didn’t reply to my message I would be a little disappointed but I wouldn't feel the need to ask why my message received no response. So here I am. Lost, feeling like I shouldn’t have this particular person on the brain but finding no way to resolve it.

That’s feelings for ya.