Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Religious Experience(s) - Beliefs

I spoke to God recently while standing at the top of a mountain so high up I thought I could taste a cloud.

What's important to know is that for the last 3 years I've been on a spiritual journey. Once I became a god-mother I realized that I was to be in charge of assisting in my god-daughter's spiritual development, I task that I want to pursue under thoughtful consideration. So, I deprogrammed everything I had been taught about religion, faith, and saviors; and decided to create my own set of beliefs to follow.

These are my conclusions/beliefs:
  • There is a God. A supreme being whose image and spirit has been duplicated millions of times in each of us. Because of this belief I also conclude that we all are alike in some way, but being human we are at times more prone to see our differences.
  • The holy trinity exists in all of us. We are God the father, the son, and the spirit. To me this means that God is the ruler of our minds, the holy spirit rules our hearts, and the son is our flesh.
  • The story of Jesus as Christ is more of an allegory of what happens to us in life as we pursue our life's work. Jesus's life work was represented as the salvation of humanity and even though he knew his fate he realized that his life's work was more important than life itself. --I'm sure several of my friends are shaking their heads in disagreement by this statement, which is okay. I'm not trying to convince anyone of my beliefs, I'm just sharing.
This is just the beginning of the discussion on religion and beliefs. I had to share a little of where I'm coming from so that you understand my subsequent points...Peace.